Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reviewing AGAINST THE TIDE by Elizabeth Camden

Reviewing AGAINST THE TIDE by Elizabeth Camden
You are in for a ride when the only English word you understand is "okay" and you're fed boiled tongue and pickled onions!  YES ... Later, while the heroine is a translator for the Navy, she meets this attractive, dashing and mysterious man who dazzles her with his wit.  As a reader, you will find yourself grinning with the intrigue and dialog.
    The author brilliantly shows how we have the freedom of choice about what sort of person we become, regardless of our background. She shows how Christianity affects every aspect of our lives.
    The author does an accurate and complete job of portraying the lies of an addict and the horrific struggles one goes through to be rid of an addiction.
    You will fall in love with the hero, fear for the heroine and suspense will move you to read yet another page.
    You will not be disappointed.  Best Christian romance novel in a long time!
I was given a free copy of this book from Bethany Publishers without any restrictions as to my review.  I highly recommend the book.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reviewing UNENDING DEVOTION by Jody Hedlund

Reviewing UNENDING DEVOTION by Jody Hedlund. 
I found this to be an emotionally charged and well written story of logging towns and life in the 1880's in Michigan.  In particular, a town with a population of 2000 with 20 bars and few honorable men, except of course, for the 'hero' of the story.
   It was well researched and tells of home remedies popular in that era; ranges from two and four-legged wolves to rescuing wayward girls trapped in prostitution.  It is definitely a page-turner.  I was very impressed with the beauty in which it told of a mother's scriptural training of her son, and shows him how to flee temptations.  The hero/heroin of the story are referred to as the King of Patience and Queen of Rescues. Very appropriate.
   I was given this book to review from Bethany House Publishers and not required to give it any particular praise. I would recommend it for all ages.


Saturday, October 27, 2012


This book is not a surface-feel-good book, but one that makes you look at yourself realistically. You can't just skim it; every page is important. He quotes a single parent who said, "we had no idea what we were getting into"... after reading THIS book, that won't be you!

The author is up front and in your face with real issues -- he asks you first of all to want God's blessing in whatever you do. He asks questions so you can avoid repeating past mistakes and discern if you are ready to be serious again.

At the end of each chapter he lists discussion questions that hammer home the information, and help you to realistically look at yourself and those you are with.

The author explains the difference between "coupleness" and "familyness" which will give the reader a lot to consider. Coupleness does not equal familyness and should be kept in the forefront of every meeting and activity.

He will probably shock a lot of people about 'soul-mate' but what he says hits the mark; he is right-on and will save people a lot of heart-ache if they listen.

I liked how he promotes involving God and His ways in every area of one's life i.e. a spiritually determined purpose in dating, everyone can learn from. Here is one of the thoughts he puts forth:

"In what way is your purpose in dating blocking God's purpose for you in dating?"

Like I said, he asks thought-provoking and self-examining questions only you can answer.

One piece of wisdom I'll share here is when he says "marry someone, not as a replacement parent, but because you love them and believe they will help you raise your kids in the Lord."

The author gives a behavior list and says he would limit it to 1-4; I would have to say in that area, I would limit it 1-3. You'll have to get the book to see what I am talking about!

I am not a reviewer who 'gives away' the whole story, but I hope this review will give single parents or those dating a single parent, a taste to read this book. It is well worth it.

I was given this book to review by Bakerpublishinggroup with no restrictions as to how I would review it. I do highly recommend it.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reviewing THE DEPOSIT SLIP by Todd M. Johnson

Reviewing THE DEPOSIT SLIP by Todd M. Johnson.
Question is... what would YOU do if your father had died, and when going through the 'estate' you find a deposit slip showing he had deposited over TEN million dollars you knew nothing about?  The subject is intriguing, and the author does a masterful job of writing an interesting story. 
   My initial reaction was "FINALLY a Christian novel that can compete and hold it's own with the NY Times legal thriller best-sellers... BUT as I neared the end of the book, I wondered 'where is the Christian witness?'  I found none, except toward the end when someone was asked if they ever prayed while working in a garden on their knees!!!  I don't think something is "Christian" just because it doesn't contain swearing or immoral sex.  There should be a 'witness'.  So I am wondering why Bethany Publishers were the ones to publish this book.  Frankly, even though I liked this book, I have found a bigger Christian witness in John Grisham's THE TESTIMENT, or David Baldicci's books!
   As you read this book, you will walk through legal monsters ganging up on financially strapped honest attorneys and feel your heart tug at the emotional situation between the father and son, but there is no Christian witness as one would expect from a 'Christian publisher'.
   I was given this book free from Bethany Publishers for review and am not required to give a possitive opinion.  I would recommend the book, because it is very interesting and well written.

I Believe2


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Reviewing NIGHT OF DESTINY by Kelly Ann Reed

Reviewing NIGHT OF DESTINY by Kelly Ann Reed... This book is the best I have read in a long time... I loved every page of it. Yes, it's about the Titanic, but this book is SO REFRESHING and right on target... it will bring tears of love and joy to your eyes. I would recommend it to all ages, both genders.

The cover, print size etc is perfect. I don't want to give away the plot, but you will be caught up in it quickly. The author has done a beautiful job of research, and selecting her character names and speech, as it is so fitting for the story.

The author explains vividly, insightfully and accurately, the purpose of trials in our lives, and the importance of forgiveness, and how the 'forgivER' is benefited. I cannot recomend it high enough, and I am a 'reviewer' of lots of books. This book, my brother purchased and sent to me to read... I will forever be thankful and want to encourage all of you to buy copies for yourselves and to give as gifts to those you care about.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reviewing TOUCHING THE SKY by Tracie Peterson

Reviewing TOUCHING THE SKY by Tracie Peterson. 
This is an excellent book that will have your heart 'touching the sky'.
   Throughout, it shows the beauty of real courtship, how to handle touchy situations with grace, and still stand up for what you believe.  There are scriptural principles woven throughout for us all to learn by i.e. 'I cannot remain silent...if I say nothing and people are killed, their blood will be on my hands' ... and a true statement ...'if we continue to pick at our wounds, they will never heal.' Those are just a couple of the instances woven throughout the book, to learn by, and teach our acquaintances.
   Another thought to ponder:  'The woman of the house commands the emotions of the family' ... something for each of us to teach our daughters and friends.
   I also appreciated a warning in the book about all courtship -- one of the characters in the book claims their mate changed from when they courted, and he replies 'no, I have always been this just never bothered to were too busy batting your eyes and playing upon my manly nature.'  How many heartaches could have been avoided in courting today if this were heeded.
   Another point you will enjoy as much as I did was all the 'secrets of the fan' ... you'll have to read the book to find them out, but it is well worth it.........
   I highly recommend this book.  I received it free from Bethany Publishers for review and am not required to give a positive review.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Reviewing TRAVELERS REST by Ann Tatlock

This is a 'hard to put down' novel current in today's headline/news we see every night. Military men coming home injured beyond repair unless a miracle happens.  As I read this book, my heart ached, and I wondered how the author would pull it all together and end it realistically.  I won't spoil it by telling how she does it, but she did it very wisely; you won't be disappointed.
    I think it would be great made into a 'for TV' movie, and Morgan Freeman would be excellent as the Dr Rockaway; I could also see the blind computer whiz on Covert Affairs TV series, playing the role of the volunteer pianist at the VA in the story, Jon-Paul. 
   Every reader will appreciate the VA ministry and all the volunteers and workers they need, as well-described in this book.  I highly recommend it as reading for all.
   I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers with no obligation to give a possitive review. The book warrants one! Enjoy.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reviewing PRIZE OF MY HEART by Lisa Norato

This was an absolutely refreshing novel in the year 1815 that keeps you guessing. When most novels would have ended somewhere in Chapter 12, this one goes on through Chapter 20 + Epilogue and only got more intriguing. 
   The author does a fine job of explaining terms that we don't use today, but that were common in the 1800's. One of them that really interested me was the "summer kitchen." It so happens my grandmother had one on her farm, and it was exactly as described in this book, and for the same usage... space away from the main house to keep the heat from the ovens out of the main house during harvest/canning time.  Another note of interest was the mention of and use of 'vomit powder'!  That also added intrigue to the story.
    Foods are always of interest, and this book told of plenty of different ones, ie, a Yankee casserole of chicken hash!  Readers will love all the stuff you will learn, as you read this romantic, touching, and interesting story of privateering, lost child, kidnapped woman, and unfaithfulness.
    I was given a free copy of this book from Bethany House publishers for review, and was not required to give any view except my own.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reviewing BLIND HOPE by Kim Meeder & Laurie Sacher

From beginning to end, this true story will grab your heart, instruct, and along with tears, make you smile and say "God IS good and all-caring--all creatures great and small.'  This is the story of an unwanted dog and the woman she rescued.  The authors are located in Oregon at a ranch that generally takes in abused horses and along with that, youngsters who need help as well; the two working together, heal each other.
   Important issues that are brought out in good taste include the hidden inner anguish this girl has put herself through. She was raised in a loving, good Christian home that attended church regularly, but as she describes her 'fall' all parents need to be watching for the signs she lists: joining the rebellious crowd where 'no one is ever at fault', moral code slackens, blaming others for what she didn't want to change; did not take responsibility for her own choices, changing her clothing from modest to tight and  revealing  and wore heavy, dark makeup. She matched her internal pain with external piercings. 
   The dog the girl is rescuing is dirty, unkempt, and sickly -- soon the dog goes blind, and she has to train it to get along without injuring itself. She concludes that much of the dilemma she has with the dog is the same as what her parents once had with her i.e., how does she allow the dog to learn from her own mistakes without being harmed by them... now she understands how hard it must have been for her parents when she had more selfish desires than sense.  In the training of her dog she sees that it was not words that changed her actions but the consequences. Pain.
   All her life she has faked knowing things just to please people and make friends, including her relationship with God. She finally understands she needed to pursue her relationship with God, for real. Previously she believed nothing was her fault, that things just 'happened' to her so she was the victim and had no responsibility to change. 
   The beauty in the story is when she concludes with the thought that no one ever warned her that when you rescue a dog, the life you save might be your own. 
    The book is filled with photos of the girl and the dog, and is beautiful to read.  I highly recommend this book for all parents to read as well as teens and young adults. It can help those having difficulty as well as those put in authority to teach.
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review." and was not required to  give a positive review.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Reviewing NEED YOU NOW by Beth Wiseman

   Reading NEED YOU NOW was like reading/hearing local news stories; it was so current and up to date but with solutions as well. The family is a modern day family with modern day problems including adjustments from city life with teenagers to dealing with them in a calm-country setting. The problems they discover with their 'perfect' daughter will break your heart as you realize this could happen to any family.
   I was captivated by the story and the many many surprises as well as sad happenings.  While I didn't like what some of the characters 'did' I also had to realize this story is trying to depict what could happen in real life; and sometimes adults as well as teenagers make bad choices and must be responsible for their actions. 
   I thoroughly enjoyed the book, but at the end of it, I thought it should have gone on a few more pages to 'finish' some of the things that were left undone in the character's lives. Without giving anything away, I will mention Dave and his daughter Cara with the extraordinary art talent; teenage son Chad and Skylar, as well as Grace... I didn't think the 'fruit tree' handled it all!
   I received this book free from BookSneeze for my honest review.  I would definitely recommend the book for others to read because I believe it would be very helpful with spotting deceptions,  avoiding temptations, being a true friend to those around us.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reviewing I ONCE WAS BLIND by Renay Poirier from Eau Claire WI

THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!  I was given a copy to read by a friend at church, and I could not put it down, once I started reading it!  This is a TRUE story... Renay was electrocuted by 12,000 volts while at work which blinded him for ten years. He is married and has two daughters, and during those ten years he keeps his faith in God and works to help support his family and treat them as 'normal' as if he were sighted.  The book is amazing ... I found myself shaking my head at the things this man accomplished or tried to do, while blind, that some would never even do, or don't do, when sighted.
   I highly recommend this book to everyone. You will be in tears when you read how some people treated or mistreated him, you'll be in tears again when he gains his sight back. The pure awesomeness of God!  And then to realize this miracle happened in the town where Jim and I also found Jesus!  We had not heard of this miracle ... let's shout it from the rooftops!
    This book made me 'see' how I need to be more helpful, kind, understanding of others, and accept the will of God in my life each day, looking to Him, the author and FINISHER of our faith.  Over and over again as I read, I would say, "change ME, Lord" ...  and I pray a special blessing on all those who reached out to 'help' Renay while he was in this 'test'... for indeed, these tests are for all... the people involved and outside or observing.
   We should never forget that Jesus will use us whenever or wherever we are, and in whatever 'state' we are in when our desire is just simply to  please Him and accept/do His will.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Reviewing IN TOO DEEP by Mary Connealy, Kincaid Brides Book 2

This is the first Mary Connealy book that I have read, and I would highly recommend others to read them 'in order' if they read them at all ... it took until the end of Chapter 2 to figure out what was going on and well into Chapter 4 to understand.  Actually, there for a while, I didn't think it was a "Christian" book! I thought I was reading "Deliverance", [an old OLD secular story I do not recommend]  because of the terms this author used to describe different characters in this book.
   I felt the author didn't make it clear to a new reader who the people were; she cast them in an inaccurate description, or lack thereof so that your first impression of the character was different than what they actually were .  She constantly talked about things unclearly that must have happened in the previous book.   By the end of Chapter 4 and into 5, the story was pretty well coming together and moving on, but I thought the intimate scenes and thoughts were too descriptive and did not add to the story.
   I thought it taught a good moral toward the end that a lot of people could relate to, i.e., God's purpose in apparent disasters and troubles  affect us all and can cause healing if we let His will be done in our lives.  Her scripture quotes toward the end were also beautiful.
   I am guessing that book 3 will be about Seth and his bride that even he didn't remember he had. It was good how she first brought the name of the bride into the story and then picked up briefly on it later.
   I received a free copy of this book for my honest review, from Bethany Publishers.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reviewing AMERICAN PATRIOT'S BIBLE published by Thomas Nelson

From the beautiful cover, to the Presentation page, through the beautiful scriptures interspersed with historical information, to the end of the concordance, colored maps and back cover, this entire Bible will amaze and excite you and make you proud you are an American IN a country founded on Christianity.   It is absolutely beautiful.
   I love the colored photos; the pages are 'antique' on the margins, and very easy to read.  Along with the scriptures, you have a complete history lesson as you read.  It is exciting to turn a page and see where a President laid his hand when he took Office, or read  how one of our public leaders used a particular scripture.  I believe this Bible should be in every  home in America, in every classroom, used in home-schooling, in every public place possible. 
   I cannot recommend it more highly.
   I received a hard-copy free from BookSneeze to review, and I am not required to give a positive review. This one warrants it! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Reviewing DIRECTED VERDICT by Randy Singer

Directed Verdict - eBook on

Beverly reviewed Directed Verdict - eBook at and gave it 5 out of 5 stars.

This book reveals what the 'bad' Muslims do to our missionaries... explicitly! 
Just finished the eBook and my overall conclusion is that I did enjoy the book; my main problem was when the author jumped from scene to scene/country to country/issue to issue and sometimes I felt 'lost' in it. Perhaps it wouldn't have been so difficult in a paper copy? But in this I began to think some of the information was unnecessary, even though it did finally all fit together. I was intrigued by the title; didn't know there was such a thing, and I have read a LOT of 'legal thrillers'. With the current status of the court system and what is happening overseas, this book is very timely, and describes what goes on, very explicitly. I did enjoy that. What I didn't like was a couple of the characters... while they of course were a part of the story, I wanted to ignore or skip them! i.e., Bella... the assistant to the attorney. I think she would have been fired in real life. I received this eBook free from CBD and I would recommend it 100%.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Reviewing MAID TO MATCH by Deeanne Gist

This was a thoroughly enjoyable book from beginning to end. The author did a good job of portraying a life that most of us would not be able to live in today's world, but still contained the same type of problems. I enjoyed the mix of clothing, servanthood, romance. And when the important choices were to be made, they were dealt with after much thought and consideration. Respect for 'elders' was great, and the feelings of the heart and emotions expressed well. I received this as a free eBook from CBD.