Reviewing UNINTIMIDATED by Scott Walker
I am not writing this review for political reasons, but as an American Patriot. This is a deeply personal, American, touching, book which every American should read and take to heart and action in their lives. I cannot even begin to imagine what America would be like, if each of our 50 wonderful states had a Governor like Scott Walker. Every family should read this book and take it to heart in the teaching and training and raising of their family, and husband/wife and family relationships, work ethics and just plain 'life' in this blessed land we live in. Actually, I can imagine it... America would be like our forefathers intended, and the immigrants who come here, expect it to be.
We 'guessed' at the mess that must have been made in the state capitol, Madison, but had no idea just how horrific it actually was. "More damage in 2 weeks than in 5 years" is pitiful. The photos in the book show some of the damage. I truly wish there was a way to send the clean-up bill and restoration to each of the people who demonstrated and did this damage. I loved the way Scott Walker responded to insults and other abuses... he responded like Jesus instructs us to... with love, understanding, wisdom and compassion, but he did not compromise his standards.
It is beautiful to see faith lived out. We all need to take to heart what our actions are teaching those who will follow; our family members, friends, people who are brought through our lives. It is touching to hear how he was raised, and what was instilled in his life from his Grandmother and parents etc. We all, of every age, need to take this to heart and get our own lives lined up where they should be. Power and money is not the goal in America; love, compassion, wisdom and a real life that we must answer for, is. If along the way money and/or power occur, we must be responsible for it, but it is not the goal.
I challenge you to read this book with an open heart, and allow your heart/life to be touched and moved and changed where needed; and then pray... America needs this man and his mission not only as Governor, but in the Presidency as well. Above all, pray.