Monday, November 4, 2013

Reviewing CRITICAL REACTION by Todd M. Johnson

Reviewing CRITICAL REACTION by Todd M. Johnson What an exciting, nerve biting, on the edge of your seat novel! It is so in tune with what we are seeing on/in our daily news that you will often think, "I pray this isn't really happening!" I loved every word, corner it turned, and suspense as well as the applicable Christian witness. The motto it proclaimed is one we all should teach and live: don't let others make you do something you will later regret. Be responsible. I loved the character, Poppy. The cover is beautiful, but I must confess I had to ask my husband what the "mark" on the back cover represents. So, without ruining the story for you, I will tell those readers who may be like myself, that it is a 'radiation' symbol. Very fitting. If there is a sequel with these characters, I hope to find out who "Knight" and "Laura" are... but if I somehow missed it, and a reader knows, please enlighten me! I would highly recommend this book to all; it is great; hard to put down. I received this book free from Bethany/Baker Publishers for review without regard to what my opinion would be. BevK IBELIEVE2

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reviewing HEART FAILURE by Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

Reviewing HEART FAILURE by Richard L. Mabry M.D. I had never read a Mabry book before, and so I did not know what to expect with a physician writing a mystery. Well, he kept me interested and trying to figure out the end...remember, no peeking! Being he is so qualified in writing this type of medical story, I was wondering how many look for symptoms of their own as they read his books, and solutions to their own medical problems! The mystery of the book was captivating, and I really liked her fiance but in a mystery, you never know how it will end. Dr. Mabry did it right..... this is a book to enjoy! I was given a copy of this book by BOOK SNEEZE to read and review with my own opinion. I would recommend it to others to read; I shall be reading more of his books as well. IBELIEVE2 Bev K

Friday, October 11, 2013

Reviewing A BRIDE FOR KEEPS by Melissa Jagears

Reviewing A BRIDE FOR KEEPS by Melissa Jagears This was a delightful, interesting and well written story set in the days when "mail-order brides" were popular. It lives up to its name. Both have secrets and it is interesting how the author wove them around throughout the story. Among the many interesting things was an account of how to keep a raw egg for a year without it spoiling! It was simply amazing and insightful. I would guess with all our modern appliances etc, no one today would even think about that! The reader will be touched by the husband's first prayer for his new bride and her thoughts upon hearing it. Then he later explains to her what prayer is, and about God's love. She is stunned when he apologizes, and the story just gets better and better as he determines to 'woo' her... a term we don't often hear any more either. A word of wisdom is given him that change hurts, but if the person is worth marrying, then they are worth the pain. Good advice and counsel! The story is complete with the plan of salvation and an epilogue you don't want to peek at. Enjoy... This book was given to me for review by Bethany/Baker Publishers without any restrictions. IBELIEVE2 BEV K

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reviewing The Spiritual World of the HOBBIT by James Stuart Bell

Reviewing The Spiritual World of the HOBBIT by James Stuart Bell I have to admit first-off that I have not read The Hobbit nor seen any of the movies however, after reading this book cover to cover, I intend to. I was touched emotionally and spiritually by Mr. Bell's 'take' on it and still felt he did not 'give away' anything so that I still wanted to read JRR Tolkien's book. Though I'm sure most people heard of Bilbo Baggins, dwarves and elves, many like myself, did not know the key issues that James Stuart Bell brings out in his book. He carefully tells that in writing a fairy tale which most of us grow up with, the key was to get the reader to believe it is true and not a 'fairy tale'...letting the reader experience the magic of the story. Some of the characters reviewed in this book are Bilbo Baggins, Gandolf, Tuor, Idril, Elrond, Half-Elven, Thorin, Frodo, Smaug, Bard and others. Tolkien's stories reflect values and truths of the Bible and how we grow in grace to accomplish great things for the Lord, often working through our weakness rather than strength. I loved the oxymorons that Mr. Bell points out dealing with scripture; he begins with the natural [jumbo shrimp] and concludes with good out of evil. Mr. Bell's ability to point out scripture references in all instances of the Hobbit experiences will bring tears to your eyes. Other examples of issues brought out in this book: We overcome our fears and begin to act then start to become what we were created to be; but our new found courage does not eliminate fear but changes how we react to it; many scriptural instances listed about fire and eagles in the Bible; the removal of one person to let another become greater; good vs evil, growth through suffering and trials; even with all his changes, he [Bilbo] remains thoughtful and kind and not full of pride. Mr. Bell has a good article about what we call 'luck' that should be taken into account. Also he tells about Tolkien being in WWI and experienced in 'waiting' so he had it '1st hand' in writing about it in the life of Bilbo. The stories are about hobbits, elves, trolls, dwarves, dragons, wizards, goblins and all the fun things children/people with an imagination love to hear about. The key thought I came away with was that evil benefits when good becomes divided; Mr. Bell quotes scripture after scripture that we all know, showing that we as Christians need to be united and working together. I received this book free from BethanyHouse/Baker Publishers for review without any restrictions as to my opinion. IBELIEVE2

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reviewing MADE TO LAST by Melissa Tagg

Reviewing MADE TO LAST by Melissa Tagg Here is a story where the heroine is surrounded by 3 men; all equally handsome; one an ex-fiance, one her fake husband, and then the newcomer to the group all invited to live on her property. This is a very unique and interesting story that you learn a lot about the ins and outs of journalism as well as Tv/movie production. It answered a lot of questions as to why some of our favorite TV shows aren't renewed, and contained a lot of information about the struggles a journalist has to put up with without compromising one's standards. I loved some of the 'sayings' the author put into the story like 'trying to be superman and all I ever wanted was Clark Kent; Friendship and sugar---best therapy there is; best way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans; there's nothing so deep God can't pull you out. All fit well into the story. Sometimes I felt it was overdone when mentioning television and movie titles; actors and actresses. I also did not care for the 'paint fight' because of the age of the participants; but overall, I did enjoy the story and the information it contained. I had to test it myself several times to make sure I read it right, but I think the editor/author missed the correct position for the man's hands in dancing... but the 'scene' was lovely! Also later in the story when Miranda is about to spill the beans on which of the 3 is her 'true love', the editor missed 'before his name could escape from "his" lips... "his" should be 'her'... but the reader can figure it out! I would definitely like to read a sequel if it is about "Blaze"... I received this book free from Bethany/Baker Publishers for review without any restrictions as to my opinion. BevK IBELIEVE2

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reviewing FIRED UP by Mary Connealy

Reviewing FIRED UP by Mary Connealy...this is Book 2 in the new series "Trouble in TX' and it is a good, humorous page-turner, following on the footsteps of SWEPT AWAY. Included in the story is a vivid description of how measles used to devastate so many families years ago, and how thankful we all should be for the inoculations that stopped it. Many today do not know how tragic it was, but I for one, remember what it was like. I'm thankful our children did not have to go through it. The story moves into a hilarious picture of a diner helping out a local physician ... because the cook doesn't know how to cook, but since she is feminine, the men keep eating there ... and the circle goes round and round. You wonder where the author is going to take you, then in the next paragraph you go from laughing to the book title coming to life, and the suspense and excitement, laughter and love continues until the end. The author clears up a big misunderstanding many people have about 'forgiveness'. She states there is a 'difference between forgiving and trusting.' So many people don't/won't forgive someone because they think that in so doing, they have to accept and trust the offender, but Ms Connealy states it correctly. The 'forgiveness' is mainly for you, the forgiver. You are the one set free. I look forward to Book #3 in this series... FIRED UP was provided to me free from Bethany/Baker Publishers for review without restrictions as to my opinion. BevK IBELIEVE2

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Reviewing RULES OF MURDER by Julianna Deering

Reviewing RULES OF MURDER by Julianna Deering If you love a mystery, you'll love this book! Plus the great bantering between the main characters will keep a smile on your face. The author does a beautiful job describing the colonial dress, furniture and time-period she is writing about, and you can 'hear' the English/Brit accent. I like a book that makes you 'think' and in this one when the main character discovers a secret about himself, it made me ask of myself, how would "I" feel, and what would "I" do? Without giving away the story plot, the secret is that he is the result of an affair his father had, and the woman who raised him, is not his mother. In the midst of murders, the mystery begins! The author does a great job also if inserting touching scenes with kittens that continue to the end of the book, and add insights into the characters' thoughts and feelings. I received a free copy of this book from BethanyHouse Publishers to give a review without any expectations as to it being favorable. It is. BevK IBELIEVE2

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Reviewing BLOOD and BONE by Don Hoesel

Reviewing BLOOD and BONE by Don Hoesel This is a very good fiction book and I emphasize the word 'fiction'. This is a very fast-paced book with lots of twists. On the negative side, readers must remember this is not scriptural but has references to the scriptures. With that in mind you will enjoy the exploits of Jack Hawthorne and his wife Espy. I would recommend reading the previous books in the Hawthorne adventure series first. There is a very good ending to the book that both my husband and I enjoyed. I received this book free from Bethany-Baker Publishers for review without any restrictions as to my opinion. BevK IBELIEVE2

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Reviewing THE LIVING ROOM by Robert Whitlow

Reviewing THE LIVING ROOM by Robert Whitlow This book was different from the other Whitlow books, and at first it was quite catching when you realized what the "living room" was and how it worked. I appreciated early on in the book when the statement is made, 'is your relationship with Christ your own or handed down from your parents'... That was an apt thought provoker for all readers and worthy of answering. Another interesting point was made with the statement, 'I'd rather be warned about a danger that can be avoided than have to pray for a miracle when disaster strikes.' I tend to like books that make one 'think' and this one did that. Later on in the story when the activities of a teen was in question, the statement was made 'it is important for ... her to know her father cares about what she does, where she goes, and who she is with'... I thought this was an excellent point, and appreciated that fact. More parents should be involved with their children these days and not be afraid to let them know that they are, and it's because they care. It is important to teach responsibility for actions, and if they know the parent 'cares' they might be more willing to listen to Godly advice. All this having been said, my ultimate impression of the book was that it was too repetitive, and you could guess where it was going. The 'ending' was predictable and only led you to believe it would go on and on and on... and I would not want to read a sequel! It has a beautiful cover! I was given this book to read for review without any restrictions on my opinion, by BookSneeze. BevK IBELIEVE2

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Reviewing ANGELS IN THE FIRE by Dann Stadler, a WI author

Reviewing ANGELS IN THE FIRE by Dann Stadler, a WI author!
    This is a book that is hard to put down.  The things that happen to the Stadler family  will make you think, "if God sent an angel, why not spare them...?" and to the reader's surprise, that is one of the questions the author addresses!  The photos included throughout the book are excellent as well.
    I loved the part when, after being burned and physically broken, [multiple broken bones] the couple finally 'see' each other, he states that the meeting "surpassed our wedding day... that ceremony merely made us husband and wife; living through this nightmare forged a stronger, unbreakable bond between us...her heart beats deep within my soul... we are ONE."
      What a picture of love!  Also the reuniting with their toddler...will she even recognize her 'daddy'?  But she does not forget his voice... tremendous.
    I also appreciated his honesty in relating to the visions and experiences his wife had, when he states "I've never had the angelic experiences that Tracey has...but I KNOW ..." and when he prayed for daughter #3, again, he says "I know ..." and that is the attitude we all need in our faith.  We are all special to God and we need to know and remember He is with us in and through all that comes our way.
    I highly recommend this book. It was given to me by Bethany House Publishers for review without any limitations as to what I would say.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

I review for BookSneeze®

BOOKSNEEZE is a great place to get books and read reviews!  enjoy!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Reviewing THE POINT by William E. Jefferson

Reviewing THE POINT by William E. Jefferson
I was drawn to this book because it was supposed to be on the order of John Bunyan's PILGRIM'S PROGRESS which I have loved for years, and we try to read on a yearly basis... but in actuality, I had a very hard time staying "in" THE POINT ... the only similarity I found was that Mr. Jefferson named his characters after their character trait, like in Bunyan's book.  But I thought the story dragged and wandered, and I had a very difficult time staying with it.
     It begins by telling that it is a newly married couple and one is diagnosed with a severe kidney disease... the thought was, how would 'you' spend that remaining time together?  That was an intriguing thought.
    It also kept you guessing when it brought up a situation of the man crossing the right leg over the left and that was an indiscretion which he quickly corrected.
    By the time it finally got into the "redemption of Oban Ironbout" it had pretty much lost my interest, and I had to force myself to finish it.
   This book was provided to me free for review from Handlebar Publishing with no expectations as to what my review could or should be.  


Monday, May 6, 2013

Reviewing A NOBLE GROOM by Jody Hedlund

Reviewing A NOBLE GROOM by Jody Hedlund
   Besides being a great story, I enjoyed this book because of a
theme contained in the story that you do not often find in "Christian" fiction. This story, while about German immigrants to Michigan in the late 1800's which a lot of us didn't know about, struggles with typhoid fever etc, it also reveals something that "Christians" often do not want to admit or talk about.  What is that you say?  The emotional and romance side to a courtship and marriage.
    This story reveals in a considerate and non-graphical way, the issues of spousal abuse, whether verbal or physical, and describes a relationship kin to Song of Solomon and other Biblical themes.  In the author's own words, to "expect love and joy from marriage rather than mere survival...that she could find so much pleasure in the kisses and touches of a man was altogether new, but not unpleasant. Was it possible to actually desire intimacy with a man?"    These are things mostly not discussed in Christian circles, but like she states in the story, the 'heroine' was "glad her daughter could see the blazing affection between a man and a woman [parents]..."  
    She did an excellent job of showing how/when to draw the line and not fall into sin; she explains in many different ways that 'tradition' taught by different cultures is not precisely what the Bible intended.  She shows the woman's "submission" in a correct light and how the husband should also 'love' his wife.
    One of the beliefs was "women and eggs, the more you beat them, the better they get"... they were taught that true love and the hope in the 'happily ever-after' was only in fairy-tales... not real life.  She makes the reader question "why is doing the right thing sometimes the hardest" ...
   All in all, I enjoyed the book and highly recommend it. I think that young women should read it before they become involved with anyone. Sometimes Christianity puts a damper on the 'romance' and that is not what God intended for a married couple.  The difference is in 'marriage' but the attraction should be there before.  Enough said!
    I received this book free from Bethany Publishers, to review with my own opinion.  No limits. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Reviewing SWEPT AWAY by Mary Connealy

Reviewing SWEPT AWAY by Mary Connealy, TROUBLE IN TEXAS, Book 1 of her new series. 
    This is an instant "page turner" from page one to the end; I love 'series' when each book is complete within itself and yet you can hardly wait for the next book to come out, but that is what happens with  SWEPT AWAY.  You will love each of the characters... well developed and individual; as well as the 'history' contained within the story.  I have been a fan of the Louis L'Amour westerns which hold a lot of America's history, and Mary Connealy is right up there with his infamous works.  She accurately describes Texas, ranching, the Civil War, Union/Confederacy as well as the horrors of the Andersonville prison.
    I highly recommend this book for all ages to read.  I received it free from Bethany/Chosen Book Publishers for review without any restrictions as to my opinion.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Reviewing SHATTERED by Dani Pettrey

Reviewing SHATTERED by Dani Pettrey
     ATTENTION MYSTERY READERS! This is the book for you! The story is about a Deputy resisting falling in love while he investigates without showing partiality, the brother of the one he is drawn to, and the family he has practically grown up with. The author is a master at writing mystery, intrigue, romance and faith. It was hard to put down long enough to cook and eat a meal!  She goes from humor to scary to frightening [buried by an avalanche] to tender love scenes in the blink of an eye or the turn of a page.
This is book two of Alaskan Courage. I had not read the first book in the series, but this was quite easy to follow. I received it free for review from Bethany Publishers, and am not required to give a favorable review.  I highly recommend the book.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Reviewing OUTRAGEOUS COURAGE by Kris Vallotton

Reviewing OUTRAGEOUS COURAGE by Kris Vallotton
This book lives up to it's name, and in the process makes you look at your own life. I doubt there won't be anyone NOT touched by it, if they read it through and allow the Holy Spirit to touch them.  Parts are 'outrageously shocking' when you first read them, then it all settles in and you think, 'this girl/woman is living out her faith to the fullest with the Light she has at the time'. 
   Early in the book she says "I had ignored God's warning... and now I am sitting with the consequences. I apologized and asked for His mercy, committing my life once again into His hands."   What a picture for us today!  Today many don't want to face the consequences of their actions and want to be bailed out, but the 'bailing out' should only be done by the Lord, so it is "in His will".
    We often get the picture of missionaries as meek and mild, but this book will show you the effectual workings of God through confrontation and challenge.  She had the balance between challenge and gentleness.  And, isn't that how Jesus is? NT tells us much about Him, and how our lives are to mirror His.
   When we fail in our obedience, do we learn from it? Tracy tells us that we often do not because we are ashamed of them, but God does not feel the same way.  "He is not ashamed when His kids stumble, He is right there to pick us back up..." But the key is, do we turn them over to the Lord and humbly submit to Him?
    She states a beautiful truth "God always gives us enough time and resources to do what HE wants us to do.  So... if we are lacking in either, then something is wrong on our end, never His.
   I also liked her statement of "we get younger as we get older."  There is so much in the book to make us examine our own lives in light of the Gospel we say we believe!
   There were many stories of her experiences in the book, and stories of her co-workers, but two that touched me tremendously were in Mozambique. A woman was pronounced dead at the scene of an accident, and came to life before their eyes. She had a broken  twisted neck and a protruding eyeball out of the socket, and all was fixed! The other was a heart wrenching scene as they rescued a woman left to die, seeping body fluids as they hit each bump in the road after loading her onto someone's lap on the way to the hospital. Such love is the kind Jesus would expect of us, because it reflects His love.   And reading it, you ask yourself, could/would I have helped, or been as so many and passed her by, knowing she was going to die anyway?
   The book ends with a sharp but true warning to all of us 'sitting at home ... wiling away our time in front of the TV or games.  Parents who are so overprotective and controlling of their children that they hover over the kids' every move so that they do not skin up their fragile little souls in the game of life. We used to teach our kids that 'all day, all night...angels are watching over me' but our overprotected culture has caused a cosmic unemployment crisis in the heavenlies. Are we depriving our children of an adventurous spirit to 'trust' God with their lives by our overprotected culture... when we exchange that faith-filled life ... we have lost sight of our divine destiny."
   I highly recommend this book.  I was given a free copy from Chosen-Baker Publishing to review, without restrictions.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Reviewing STARFLOWER by Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Reviewing STARFLOWER by Anne Elisabeth Stengl...  I am an avid reader of most types of books.  I was not particularly overjoyed over this book as it was difficult at times to concentrate on the list of characters and places.  Something that would help the book immensely would be to have a section for character lists and name list so that it would be easier to understand what was happening in the book and also who the characters really represent.   There are so many characters in the book and their symbolism and personalities blur and are confusing.
   There was no Christian witness, only vague innuendos.  I would not recommend this book to anyone else as it would confuse many people.
   I received this book from Bethany/Baker Publishing for review with no restrictions.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Reviewing GOODBYE TO YESTERDAY by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Reviewing GOODBYE TO YESTERDAY by Wanda E. Brunstetter

First, I received this book free from Handlebar Barbour Publishing, but soon discovered it was only the first 8 chapters. Very disappointed, because I have never 'partially' read a book to give a review and being part of a 'series' should have contained more.

Then as I got into the book, I was not too disappointed ... because I thought it uninteresting. It did not capture my imagination or desire to read more, so therefore, I would not want to purchase the book or more of the series, to 'find out what happens' because nothing really happens until the last line of the last page!

It is about a young married Amish couple who are out of work. And it takes 8 chapters and 121 pages to tell that. I did not find it at all interesting, and I am a 'reader' ... sorry folks. I just could not get 'into' this book!

The cover, paper and print were beautiful and easy to 'read'.